book bite: wake up and smell the planet

We have to admit, we were a little reluctant at first. Here was a book from the purveyors of Grist, the environmental news site that is sometimes a bit too 'well-aren't-we-clever' for our taste. Happily, from page one (waking up) we were hooked all the way to bedtime.

Wake Up and Smell the Planet: The Non-Pompous, Non-Preachy Grist Guide to Greening Your Day is just that - informative, useful, and - while humorous - easy to digest, and not laden with puns. Instead of being just another iteration on the 'change your lightbulbs' theme, we actually learned things from this book.

It feels like a warm and cozy friend, a book to pull off the shelf and reference for years to come. It's also one of the first books we'd actually re-gift to our eco-intimidated loved ones. Best of all, it actually answers that question: which IS better, paper or plastic?

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