Who's In Control of Our Water Supply?

I'm a broken record, you'll all learn that soon enough. One of the things I just love to repeat is how the average person seems to have no clue where water comes from, how important it is, and that it can never be taken for granted as being clean, even from your tap.
Here's why. The people we pay (through taxes) seem to be incapable of giving us trustworthy service when it comes to supporting the infrastructure needed to ensure clean water. Although there are likely dozens of instances of contaminated water supplies all over the region, province, country (you choose the geography), I'm sure few get detected. I'd bet fewer still get reported.

One instance of a water mishap that DID get reported was the failure of a sewage pumping station on the banks of the Grand River. Don't worry everyone, the guys who run it say they "don't believe there are any contamination issues". I don't believe in a lot of things. Does that mean I'm always right? Hmmm. I'll have to give this theory a try. But I digress. Even though a resident living near the sewage spill went to the hospital with a burning sensation in his eyes and on his face after simply washing his cat (who fell into the spill), the people in charge of our water supply are sure there will be no contamination of nearby drinking water wells, never mind the river itself. Now I know that water which causes burning sensations in my eyes is still safe to drink. What a relief.
I could go on all day but I think you get my point. Don't trust these morons with our water and your health.

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