Facebook. Cause of All the World's Problems?

Okay, so this isn't exactly an environmental issue, but I do find the whole phenomenon interesting....and it might just shed some light on some of our global problems.

According to British scientists, while users of social networking websites may rack up dozens and dozens (and dozens) of online "friends", most people still only have a network of five actual close friends. The study revealed that in the vast majority of cases face-to-face contact was necessary to solidify the bond between two people, possibly highlighting limitations on the human brain.
As if we didn't already have enough limitations with the human brain.

To me this might help explain why some of us are unable to project empathy or remorse across an ocean and therefore enable the exploitation of far away people and environmental zones. Lumber from The Amazon. Clothes from third world sweatshops. Coffee. You get the point.

I'm not making any accusations. I consume this stuff as much as the next guy. I'm just saying that if some of us put as much time into an actual productive cause as we do updating our Facebook page, the world might spin a little smoother.


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