living green : a year in the life

Vanessa Farquharson, columnist for the National Post, recently completed a year of green living where she made daily changes in her life. She wrote that "we need to maintain a constant awareness of everything we do, use, eat and throw away, everywhere we go and how we get there, what we buy, why we buy it and what happens when we don't need it anymore."

I find it's becoming second nature for me to think of what impact my daily activities and decisions will have on the planet. As for tangible goods - where is it far did it travel to get here...but most of all - do I really need it? More and more, I find myself passing on items that even last year I would have bought without a second glance. Do I miss them? Sure, some more than others, but I'm in it for the long haul and that's got to count for something, right?

Each purchase made is essentially a endorsement. One vote alone is just one, but together they can make such a difference.

Read the full National Post article.

Vanessa Farquharson's blog.

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